Tuesday, April 29, 2008

If I Look This Good.......

If I look this good after having my first child my husband is going to become a single parent!!!! LOL, I love Halle, I'll say it again I LOVE HALLE, I think is she is one of the worlds most beautiful women. And for just having a baby 6 WEEKS ago...... shoot let my ta ta look like that after my first child I am gonna wear every low cut shirt I EVER brought. I'mma put them on display in the Smithsonian!!!!!

(thanks to lovebscott.com for the pic)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Them Young Boys, I Tell Ya......

Yeah........so I've been preoccupied......so there is a new man in my life...........

He is intelligent {he's a geek....a hot geek}

He is stimulating my mind like.......{and exhale}

He is funny

He is decisive {he tells me what he wants no hesitation....quietly biting my lip}

He is driven and hard working

He is attractive & sexy {who am i kidding he hot}

He is spiritually grounded

HE IS YOUNGER!!!!!! {Dramatic Music Please}

But he is proving that while he is a YOUNGER MAN, he is still a MAN all the same {Don't call the cops on me he is legal folks and I am still in my 20's too lol}. So I think I about to be in for the ride of my life...... I let you guys know if and when I get off this ride. By the way the zaa zaa zoo is in full effect {SATC fans will understand}!



Monday, February 25, 2008

Been Busy....New Energy

OK so I've been lax in my blogging....been working, have to go out of town for a planning meeting and I've caught the attentions of a young new suitor.......your girl has been busy. I'm embarking on some new experiences and it scary and exciting all at the same time. I'm being force out of my comfort zone and being forced to let go of some of my neurotic hang ups and it a struggle but it has opened up new options to me that I am loving. As far a my new suitor, let just say he is a breath of fresh air and a whole new energy that wasn't expected and now I can't help but go along for the ride.

This is BB {letting here hair down}


Monday, February 4, 2008


ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS............................BIG BLUE

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Believe Them.....

"When someone tells you who they are....Believe them" -Maya Angelou

This message is so serious we can avoid so much stress and grief if we really just listen sometimes! If a man/woman tell you that they are no good BELIEVE THEM! Stop trying to change them, stop trying to see the tiny good in them when the majority is bad. Usually a person will expose their TRUE nature to you in many ways right from the jump if you pay attention. If something about them bother you in you spirit TRUST THAT, intuition is there for a reason.

Later B.B.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Random Thoughts.....WHY?????

*Is Maury the reason why some Rite Aid's now carry PATERNITY TEST (it's true)

* What is up with Maxwell {I mean I've seen picture of him @ events, without his hair, but where is the new album}

* Why do people only seem to find God when they go to prison? So I'm thinking God is hiding out in Rikers?

* Hasn't Flavor of Love 1, 2 & 3 and I Love New York 1 & 2 turned you off to kissing

* Will You remember Solider Boy Tell Em next year?

*When are the adults gonna regain control of BET from 12 year old?

*ALRIGHT I'm gonna say it and I don't care if y'all agree or not but Reggaeton is BAD music! it's like mixing Ammonia & Bleach, it won't end well

* Don't you wish Condalezza Rice would change her Coretta Scott King hair!

* Don't y'all miss old school grandmothers?

* What ever happened to Shai? {You'll remember them, If I Ever Fall in Love, Baby I'm Yours)

* Why doesn't the Hip Hop Generation realize that Scarface is a CAUTIONARY TALE not a lifestyle!!!! {THIS ONE IS MAJOR}