Monday, January 28, 2008

Late Night Pondering

OK so its late
I'm up in bed with nothing but the glow of the computer and the sound of my cat asleep. Why am I up? {that's bad when you have to ask your own self that question} other then being a horrible insomniac I've got some things on the brain {or what the old people call a troubled mind}. I'm feeling a little restless, do you even get to that point when you in bed alone and there is nothing but you and your thoughts and you starting taking inventory over you accomplishments. The things you have achieved, haven't achieved, the things you think are just within your reach, and the age you are at the moment. I am thinking about what is my next step, what is my next goal and have a hit a wall at this point and need to up the stakes......... Just thoughts.......I'll let you know when decisions are made......ZZZZZZZZZZ



1 comment:

BrownBoogie aka Young Denzel said...

I know all about this sometimes Im up at night just thinking about things myself I really think about death not killing myself but you know what happens in the aferlife and shit like that. I just find it kind of funny you know...but besides that Im thinking of my future, how many kids will I have, will I be married by a certan age, will I own a home, will I become what Im destined to many thoughts wondering around in my head